Over the last few months in coordination with Ontario Tech University’s TALENT organization, PTAG has been developing a new course for master’s students and industry professionals.
The course will run online for 6 weeks starting November 2nd. PTAG’s Marzieh Pakdel will be leading the course, supported by several of PTAG’s Subject Matter Experts.
As a project manager, you can make a real impact on helping organizations to hit their targets and create a working environment where teams can thrive. The energy sector employs, directly and indirectly, 10% of the working population. This course helps prepare students to take on some of the highest in demand jobs and ensure they have the skills to build a successful career.
Course Description
This course is intended to prepare Ontario Tech students and industry professionals across different sectors (Energy, Construction, Health, etc.) in the application of Project Management concepts, tools, and processes in their work. It is an intensive investigation into the major principles of Project Management covering all aspects of it along with case studies and examples from various industry sectors.
The course is a combination of best practices from Project Management Institute (PMI), Construction Industry Institute (CII), AACEi – Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering, and other industry best practices. Project Management Institute’s PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) will be the main reference, covering all Project Management knowledge areas, and expanding the topics with relevant examples and case studies from nuclear, software, general engineering, and other industrial sectors. Further, the course will include modern software tools, to enhance scheduling, planning, and cost estimation learning, critical to Project Management.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will receive an Energy Project Management Fundamentals (EPMF) badge that can be added to LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media platforms.
Course Information
The growing importance of project management in organizations means that it’s a great choice for people who want to take a critical role in helping their employer, business or industry to achieve their goals and see real returns on their strategy. As a project manager, students can make a real impact on helping organizations to hit their targets and create a working environment where teams can thrive.
An Energy Project Manager is there to set up strategies and goals for the projects that matter most to the operations of an energy producer or stakeholder. They strive to create the timeline for the work as part of large refurbishment or maintenance projects, make sure the projects are carried out within the allocated budget, and oversee the work of the members of the project team. Working in this position, it will be their responsibility to supervise the work of contractors, suppliers, and others important to your organization and Project Management Offices.
In this 6 week course, 12 distinct modules (topic) areas will be addressed, each delivered through a combination of online synchronous sessions, readings, and activities using Microsoft Project (Microsoft product key included with course registration).
Module topics include;
- Common Energy PM processes
- MS Project, and related Project tools for industry
- Project integration and scope definition
- Costing and Time estimation strategies
- Quality and Human Resource management
- Communication and Risk Management
- Procurement and delivery methodologies
For more information or to Register visit: https://talent.catalog.ontariotechu.ca/courses/energy-project-management-fundamentals
Subject Matter Experts: