2022 CII Annual Conference

PTAG is proud to be the Silver Sponsor for this years CII Annual Conference in Cleveland Visit PTAG in the Exhibitor Showcase Take in Michael Dubreuil’s panel on Collaborative Contracting All relevant collaborative contracting strategies (I2PD, IPD, and Alliancing to name a few) have adopted early supplier engagement as one of their fundamental methods to […]

It’s a Good Day to Be Indigenous, by Amanda Kahgee

By Amanda Kahgee

National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada is a day for many Canadians to learn about the country’s Indigenous Peoples; First Nations, Inuit, and Metis. It is an opportunity to learn about their histories and cultures.  However, for many of Canada’s Indigenous peoples, like myself, it is a reminder of our resilience to overcome the adversities of colonialism, oppression, and assimilation. It is a day for us to reclaim our identities through practicing our culture, ceremonies, experiences, and stories. It represents hope for our people’s future and the healing of our nations, and generations.

Join PTAG’s Ugo Santone for a Virtual Panel Discussion on Pathways to Employment in Project Management during Centennial College’s virtual conference.

In a continued effort to leverage our experience in project management to collaborate with our community members, PTAG has stepped up to be a part of Centennial College’s Career Services and Co-operative Education department’s Virtual Panel Discussion on Pathways to Employment in Project Management. PTAG’s Partner of Professional Services and Talent Management Ugo Santone is […]

PTAG partners with Ontario Tech University to prepare professionals in the application of Project Management concepts, tools, and processes in their work.

In coordination with Ontario Tech University, PTAG has developed a new course for master’s students and industry professionals. The course will run online for 6 weeks starting November 2nd.

Through this course, PTAG aims to support youth and those industry professionals seeking knowledge in the career path of Project Management. PTAG’s leaders with years of experience in project management and capital projects will be delivering the course at Ontario Tech University.

PTAG Team works with Habitat for Humanity Grey Bruce’s construction site in the Saugeen First Nation 29.

PTAG Team rolled up their sleeves to help with the construction site work with Habitat for Humanity in the Saugeen First Nation 29 near Southampton. PTAG strongly believes in giving back to the community where we live, and work in. We are proud that our team shares the same values and are committed to help the community. We have a close association with the construction industry; however, this experience was different as our trade skills were put to test. It has been a very fulfilling experience as it was not just about making a house but something bigger i.e., being part of building a house that would provide safety and stable future to the families.

PTAG Team partners with 360ºKIDS to help prepare the yards at their two youth shelter homes in Markham, Ontario.

Earlier this month, the PTAG team got an opportunity to volunteer at two youth shelter homes of 360ºKIDS in Markham, Ontario to help them with preparing their lawns for the fall season.
This volunteering drive was spearheaded by our Managing Partner, Michael Dubreuil, along with COO – Basil Mocherniak and CFO – Shannon Sahota bringing with them their extensive experience and passion for gardening.

Today and every day PTAG stands in solidarity with the residential school survivors, their families, and our indigenous community members.

Today September 30th, 2021, marks Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, promoting awareness of Canada’s residential schools and the trauma they caused Indigenous and Métis Peoples for generations.

PTAG team stands in solidarity with the victims, survivors, their families, and the indigenous communities. We honor and respect this national day for Truth and Reconciliation and every day throughout the year. We are committed towards the upliftment and strengthening of our indigenous community.

Join the presentation on the spectrum of approaches to Contract Strategy at CII’s AWP + Lean Virtual Summit to learn various contracting strategies that can provide the most benefit in either your Advanced work packaging or Lean project scenarios.

Construction Industry Institute (CII) is presenting its first-ever CII AWP & Lean Summit focused on the exploration of (and recommendations around) aligning and combining Advanced Work Packaging and Lean Construction approaches for effective and efficient integrated project delivery.
PTAG’s Partner for Capital Projects, Bruce Burwell will be discussing contracting approaches available that incorporate Advanced Work Packaging alongside Mr. John Strickland, Project Delivery Leader at Burns & McDonnell who will focus on approaches with a Lean Construction perspective on September 29th, 2021.